1. Restart a blog (last years one failed miserably)
CHECK! Although it took me until February to even begin putting this together, still I'm a proud panda.
This one's my biggest one. The end of 2012 was a bit of a miserable one for little old me so I've decided I need to take a step back and have a word with myself. Anyone who knows me, and probably anyone who's reading this has gathered that I'm a bit bonkers but I love to embrace it. I lost my sunshine personality a bit but I'M BACK and madder than ever! Hopefully it provides a small amount of entertainment for those around me as I seem to have found myself in a few pickles recently. At least I get a good story out of it.
A while ago I was browsing the blogisphere when I came across Zoella's blog post about her cute bracelet and had a bit of a gander. I couldn't help myself and ordered a gorgeous 'happy' bracelet in silver as a reminder to myself for the year to be happy in life. (I am not going to talk about the nightmare surrounding the purchase of this, I HATE bad-mouthing sellers but, honestly, I seem to have had a really bad experience unlike most people.)
I am also one of the thousands of people that suffer from panic attacks and anxiety in certain situations and have done for the majority of my teenage years. If you are one of these people or have ever witnessed someone having a panic attack you will understand how important staying positive and moving forward is. They are horrible to experience, and often sufferers are very embarrassed and feel quite isolated by this condition. I refuse to let myself become someone who's life is ruled by their fears and I can see how incredibly easy it can be to slip into that so I thought having a physical reminder with me to stay positive would at least help. Plus they're just so lovely and a girl needs to treat herself every now and again!
The ever so beautiful Zoe's blog page...
The Etsy shop I purchased my treat from...
As my rather commanding blog name suggests, I am a stereotypical fashion student. We wear an awful lot of black and my wardrobe is starting to look like I go to far too many funerals. I need to inject a little more life into it, colourful clothes to match my colourful personality. (I apologise for that cringey phrase there but it had to be said.)
If anyone else suffers from any kind of anxiety or panic attacks, just know there's tons of us so you're not alone, you're not weird and you will get through it. :)Comment below if you feel like you can I would love to know someone got something positive from simply knowing there are people in the same boat.
Loves xxx
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